We treat patients 7 days a week from 8 am to 8 pm.
Call us to schedule your appointment today. 
Ph: 1 (919) 421-HAND or (919) 421-4263       www.theraccess.com

TherAccess, PLLC

Centers for Orthopedic and Neurological Rehabilitation

Specialists in Hand and Upper Extremity Injuries

Therapy - Clinical Outcomes - Quality Audits - Compliance - Training and Education

Occupational Therapy - Hand Therapy - Work Hardening - Work Conditioning - Ergonomics

Job Site Analysis - Functional Capacity Testing - Return to Work

Finger - Hand - Wrist - Elbow - Shoulder - Neck Injuries

Orthopedics - Neurology - Scar and Pain Management


We are Board Certified and Specialty Trained Occupational / Hand therapists and specialize in treating upper extremity conditions.

There are many health conditions that can affect the performance of aspiring and accomplished musicians and artists. 

Some of the most common injuries that occur and treated in our clinics include:

# Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (pain radiating down the arm)
# Lateral/Medial Epicondylitis (Tennis elbow/golfers elbow)

# Dequervain’s Syndrome / Stenosing Tenosynovitis
# Radial Tunnel Syndrome
# High Ulnar Nerve injury / Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
# Low Ulnar (Guyon’s) Tunnel Syndrome
# Pronator Syndrome

# Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
# Carpal instability
# Neuritis
# Neuropathy

# Repetitive motion syndromes

# Shoulder and Elbow Strain
# Arthritis
# Tendon and nerve injuries
# Complex regional pain syndrome / RSD